Welcome back to Feats N’ Faults where we use our Tiered Point System to rank and record our favorite characters. If you want a rundown on how points are awarded, please check out the About page. Below is our Tier System for reference.
In today’s feed, we have the Black Panther! There are so many fun characters and locations in this series. It is crazy to think that there are only two Black Panther movies. All of the other appearances happened in other films. Crazy! Anyway, we are going to be looking at Black Panther, Ross, Shuri (Black Panther), Okoye, M’Baku, and Nakia. If you are playing at home, go ahead and rate these guys from least to greatest and let me know in the comments if you got any right!
Let’s Get Started!
FN’F, MCU: Black Panther
In Last Place we have Everett Ross with 6 FN’F Score. I like this character, but a lot of it has to do with Martin Freeman. He is a great actor and does a good job at playing someone who is just exasperated all the time. I mean, look at Bilbo. He’s just great at playing those kinds of characters. I like how loyal he is. Once the Wakandans save him, he never turns his back on them. Even in Black Panther 2, he is willing to go against his government just to get them info. Pretty ballsy move. Ross has no faults and does his best to protect Wakanda. A respectable 6 for a background agent.
In 5th Place, we have Nakia with 14 FN’F Score. Nakia is a solid character that I, for some reason, often forget about. She runs under the radar, and that is what makes her deadly. She is amazing at stealth and sneaking into and out of places. That is how she got the score she did. Being able to track down Shuri and get her out of Talokan is no small feat. Plus, she has zero faults! That is going to be a running trend with these Wakandans. They are just perfect, simple as that.
In 4th Place, we have M’Baku. I think M’Baku is my favorite out of all these characters. He is just so damn charismatic. How do you not smile when he is on the screen? He can be intimidating, funny, and an action star. What a force. Again, we see zero faults for the big guy. He just beat Nakia out by 1 point. Don’t underestimate the king.
In 3rd Place is Okoye with a 25 FN’F Score. Finally, we have someone break the 20 barrier! Her one fault was that she got too reckless and put Shuri in trouble. She quickly made up for it when she became a Midnight Angel. I don’t think there is anything she can’t do now. That suit, plus her skill, will be hard to beat. I’d love to see a team-up with her and Scarlet Scarab. I just think their outfits would look really cool beside each other.
In 2nd Place by just two points is Shuri with 27 FN’F Score. Who was expecting her to be number one? I was half expecting it. It is hard to judge before I add up the points. Again, we have zero faults! These guys are just amazing. She saves her country from war and uses her intellect to recreate the heart-shaped herb. She has both the power and the brains. You do not want to mess with her. I am excited to see where her Black Panther goes in the future. I am expecting a lot from you. You have some pretty big shoes to fill.
In 1st Place is the King. With 31 FN’F Points, we have the original Black Panther. Chadwick Boseman was a great man. It was a tragedy when he passed away. It really hurt the MCU too. I know that Black Panther would have been the new leader of the Avengers. He would have done an amazing job too. We can’t just sit here and think about what could have been. We have to appreciate what we got, and that was a great performance. Black Panther, with just one solo movie, got 31 points. That is pretty darn impressive.
Review: 7/10
I am going to be honest with everyone. I was not as blown away with the first Black Panther as everyone else. It was good, but I do not think it even comes into the top 10 MCU movies for me. I love the culture behind it and the representation. The story just seemed cookie-cutter to me. No real twists and some lackluster CGI. While that stuff does not bother me. If it takes me out of the movie, then there is an issue. I was taken aback by a couple of scenes. But the acting was solid, and the casting was perfect. Now, the second movie is where it is at. I really liked the second one. Namor is very intimidating but understandable. You can see both sides until he wants to sink the world, and then you are like, “Woah, buddy, slow down a second. I live in that world.” When you average those two out, as a franchise, I think a 7/10 is a good score. My scoring is pretty harsh. A 7 is good!
Recommendation: Yes, it is worth a watch.
Thanks for tuning into this week’s feed. If there is an IP that you want me to examine for Feats N’ Faults, let me know in the comments. Until then, do not forget to subscribe and tell a friend about the feed! All and any support is greatly appreciated. Thank you guys so much for allowing me to consistently post on FN’F.
Until Next Time!