Welcome back to Feats N’ Faults where we calculate the impact of our favorite characters. We have finally made it to the modern era of Doctor Who! Usually, we rank all the companions of the Doctor and figure out how this iteration stacked up. However, the 9th Doctor had only one season to dazzle us. Because of this he only has one companion that is exclusively his. So today not only will we rank the 9th Doctor and Adam but also those Doctors that have only been in specials. We will be taking a look at the Fugitive Doctor, The War Doctor, and The 14th Doctor. For those playing at home go ahead and rank these characters from least to greatest and see if you get any right! Let’s do this!
The 9th Doctor, Special Doctors and ….. Adam:
Starting our list today is Adam. This should not come as a shock to anyone, but Adam is at the bottom of the list and has negative points. Only being on one adventure before the Doctor kicked him out, Adam did not have very many chances to earn points. He is one of the only characters in FN’F that has not scored a single Feat. This greedy little backstabber is the modern equivalent of Turlough. I personally hate these kinds of characters and was happy to see him go. You love to hate these guys, but I still love it when they get kicked to the curb.
Up next, we have the Fugitive Doctor. With this score, the Fugitive is our official lowest scoring, Doctor. She is the Doctor with my favorite style but just never got the screen time to prove herself. This is a travesty because I think this Doctor would be an amazing iteration. In the few times we see her she always steals the scene. Her confidence and intensity shine through. The outfit is perfect, and the actor is magnificent, but her contributions are unfortunately few.
Showing up in the most recent Doctor Who specials the 14th Doctor has David Tennant returning to the role. With his old face back, the Doctor reconnects with Donna and has a couple of final adventures before turning the reigns over to Ncuti and the 15th. Even though this Doctor’s score is lower, it is still pretty impressive for the three episodes that he was in. Scoring a solid 30 this Doctor had a lot to accomplish in his short tenure. Saving the planet is a great Feat to have on your resume and helped to juice his score.
I think the 9th is a very underappreciated Doctor. Having some differences behind the scenes was ultimately the reason for his departure. I would have loved to have seen what a three-season arc with the 9th would have looked like. This northern bloke brought Doctor Who back to our TV screens and should be commended for that. I would love for this Doctor to return in a future anniversary special. Fingers crossed that the behind-the-scenes drama will get resolved one day. His score might be pretty low compared to other Doctors but for only having one season it is pretty impressive. It is a nice addition to the Doctor’s overall score.
We have our winner for today’s article! The War Doctor came in and blew everyone away with a Universal Feat! Stopping the Time War is a very big feather in this old man’s cap. Giving himself a score that would rival other characters on his own. This score is super impressive for a Doctor who has only ever been in one special. If any characters out there ever want to catch up to the Doctor, they are going to have to pull some amazing feats to match his.
9th Doctor’s era: 6/10
The 9th Doctor is short-lived but solid. Some of the special effects do not hold up but what do you expect from early 2000’s CGI? Christopher Eccleston is a good Doctor. He just does not get the chance to stay long enough to solidify his version, but it is a fun adventure, nonetheless. Some scripts are better than others but overall, it is a quality season. A great jumping-on-point for anyone interested in Doctor Who.
Day of the Doctor: 8/10
I love this special! I know it is filled with nostalgia and references but to me that is what a Doctor Who anniversary special should be. A celebration of the era and eras beforehand. These specials do all of that and make it a very entertaining and wild ride. When you start watching it is hard to walk away. It grabs you from the very beginning and never lets up. It is my favorite anniversary special.
60th Anniversary Special’s: 8/10
These are the three most recent specials that have aired. I think they are all fantastic and a good sign for what is to come. The Meep and the Toymaker are great villains and “Wild Blue Yonder” feels like a classic 10th Doctor episode. All are great in their own right and come together to make a really enjoyable story. While I do not think it is a fantastic anniversary special, I do think they are great episodes that celebrate an era that is very dear to many fans.
Fugitive Doctor: ?/10
How can I rate a Doctor who does not even have their own era or episodes? You will see my 13th and Fugitive Doctor review when we get to her era in the future. So, stay tuned, and do not forget to tell a friend and subscribe. All the support is appreciated and helps to get these out promptly.
Until Next Time!