Welcome back to Feats N’ Faults, where we use our Tiered Point System to rank and record our favorite characters based on their achievements and deeds. For a more in depth look on how points are awarded, please check the About page. Below is our Tier System for quick reference.
I have a special treat for everyone! Today, we are looking at Red vs. Blue, a web series that is very near and dear to my heart. Red vs. Blue and Rooster Teeth were a huge part of my childhood. I was devastated when I heard the news that they were shutting down. However, just before they closed for good, they released the final season of Red vs. Blue, wrapping up 21 years of jokes. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to dive in and see exactly how these characters impacted their stories and give one of my favorite series an official Feats N’ Faults Score. If you are playing at home, list from least to greatest how you think these characters stacked up to each other. We are analyzing Simmons, Grif, Sarge, Church, Tucker, Sister, Caboose, Doc, Donut, Lopez, and Shiela.
Let’s Get Started!
Red vs Blue: The Reds and the Blues
In Last Place we have Sister with 2 FN’F Score. Rewatching the series I was surprised with how little Sister was in it. I remember her being a big part of it and having a ton of jokes. I guess that is what happens when you watch weekly for 5 min episodes. She might have been a comedic force, but she did fairly little to earn FN’F Score. It was not a great showing to start out for the Blue Team.
In 10th Place, we have Shiela with 5 FN’F Score. Shiela is a big part of the Blue Team and was a great way to intimidate the Reds. A big support player that was unfortunately abandoned in Blood Gulch for a couple of seasons. She was still there when the team needed her. Stopping Gamma and Genkins are two huge feats. I don’t know where Blue Team would have been without her.
In 9th Place, we have our first main character, Simmons, with 13 FN’F Score. I need to remind everyone that this was primarily a comedy. So, there are a lot of gags that are unfortunately counted as faults in our tier list. Simmons is one of our many victims of this. Those faults, combined with his lack of feats, caused him to plummet to the bottom of this list. Simmons might have pondered “why are we here,” but not how to score in Feats N’ Faults.
In 8th Place, we have Doc with 15 FN’F Score. Doc was never really on Red or Blue team, but it felt wrong to leave him out. He is a core member of the crew after all. He had a decent showing too. Doc is a pacifist…for the most part. So, being able to score a 15 is pretty impressive. Most of his feats are saving people too. I think Doc would be proud that he was able to score most of his feats this way. O’Malley, on the other hand, is probably extremely disappointed.
En el 7th Lugar tenemos a López con 19 FN’F Score. López es el siempre leal robot compañero del Red Team. Aunque a menudo deseaba no serlo. En las raras ocasiones en que López tuvo cabeza, fue una fuerza a tener en cuenta. Probablemente el mejor luchador y la persona más inteligente del Red Team. Sólo tuvo un error de juicio cuando eliminó a su creador, Sarge. Además de eso, estaba pateando traseros, construyendo máquinas y salvando a su equipo. López es el héroe anónimo del Red Team.
In 6th Place, we have everyone’s favorite, Caboose, who scored 23 FN’F. Caboose is a core member of Blue Team and has a very impressive Feat score of 30! Caboose might be the smartest person in the universe or the dumbest. It is surprisingly hard to tell. His ideas are usually crazy and unorthodox, but he is constantly fixing complex machines, taming dinosaurs, and being chosen by advanced AI. He is also as strong as an ox, so he is really hard to take down in combat too. Caboose is the glue of not only the group but the show. Always there with a joke when you need it and never letting the characters forget who they are. Caboose always believes in his friends and will never give up on anyone. He is the best friend that we all want.
Begrudgingly walking into 5th Place is Grif with 24 FN’F Score. He was able to beat Caboose by just one point. Doing as little as possible to make it into the top 5 is right up Grif’s alley. Grif acts like he doesn't care, but he is actually the heart of Red Team. He just wants to go home, but he is always there to help his friends. The one time he wasn’t, he became a nervous wreck. He saved Sarge early on in the series and kept that pace throughout. His main attack would be running over his foes with the warthog. He earned a good many points doing that. I hope Grif enjoys his retirement. I honestly do not know what Simmons is going to do without him.
In 4th Place, we have Donut with 28 FN’F Score. This might surprise people who fell off the series, but Donut became a prominent part of the last couple of seasons. He imprisoned a god. A God! It's not too bad for someone in lightish red armor. Donut is also the funniest member of the crew. He has me laughing almost every time he is on the screen. A fan favorite of mine, for sure. I know the last couple of seasons were a bit controversial for some fans, but I love the character development that Donut got. Please don’t skip those seasons. More RVB is never a bad thing.
In 3rd Place, we have my favorite member of Red Team, Sarge, with 28 FN’F Score. Yes, he is tied with Donut; just do not tell him that. Sarge is the leader of the Red Team who is always trying to get one over on those dirty blues! While not the greatest strategist, he is a good leader. Always charging with his men into battle and having the fighting skills to back it up. He is a little rough around the edges, but inside, he is just a teddy bear. Ultimately, he sacrifices himself to save one of those dirty blues. What is a shame is his Fault score. He scored a more than impressive 40! Yet he had a habit of shooting Grif every chance he got. I could not justify him shooting his own man as anything other than a fault. It is no wonder Grif wanted to go home. People made fun of Caboose for friendly fire, but Sarge was the king of them all!
In 2nd Place, we have a big jump in points. Tucker scored an impressive 40 FN’F Score. Tucker proved himself to be a mighty leader, unlocking his potential through Agent Washington’s training. He learned what it meant to be a leader and how much loss can sting. He might always be ready for a quip, but you should not underestimate him. Someone get this man a sword! Also, don’t be afraid of that like button. It means a lot.
In 1st Place, we have Church with a 52 FN’F Score. Church is the leader of Blue Team. While that is true, that is by no means all he is. He has an insanely complicated backstory, and most of the plots surround him in some way. This AI is hard to deal with on his own, but when combined with a fighter like Carolina, they are almost unstoppable. He saved an entire planet from being plundered and stopped a planetary civil war. Just to put his score into perspective, Church is in the same company as Chewbacca, Ant-Mant, and the Winter Soldier. This little ghost is more than anyone bargained for. While his aim might not be the best, he still eventually reunites with Tex and is able to find peace. It was a fitting end for his character and the series. Good job, Burnie; you ended a 20-year series with class and dignity. That is no easy feat.
Review: 7/10
Reviewing something like this is difficult for me. I have so many feelings attached to not only the series but also the people behind the scenes. Rooster Teeth was almost like a family to me. The community and talent were always a part of my life. I made so many good memories and friends through it. That being said, I think a 7/10 is a perfect score for the series. Taking my obvious bias out of the equation, it is still a very funny and entertaining series. The writing is on point, and once Monty gets involved, the animation and fight choreography are superb. It is the end of an era, but at least it has left a legacy that future generations can enjoy. Also, if anyone has season 14 or 15 on DVD, let me know because I would love to buy it from you, haha. They’re the last two seasons I need!
Recommendation: Why are you here? I mean, why are you reading this and not watching Red vs. Blue? Do yourself a favor and give it a shot!
Thanks again for making it this far into the feed! It was a long one, but I am really glad to have these characters in Feats N’ Faults. Do you have a favorite Red vs Blue character? Any Rooster Teeth memories that you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments! Also, please subscribe and tell a friend. We are almost to our 100 Sub Special! All the support really is appreciated. I hope you have a fantastic week, and I will see you all again next Thursday.
Until Next Time!
I've always thought about watching Red vs Blue, but I have never gotten around it. I remember watching tons of clips, especially after Monty joined the crew. Reading this hypes me up. I might start watching a couple of episodes a week.