Welcome back to Feats N’ Faults, where we use our Tiered Point System to rank and record your favorite characters. If you want a rundown on how points are awarded, please check out the About page. Below is our Tier System for reference.
The villains of the MCU are back and ready to take another shot at our tier list. In today’s feed we are looking at places 53 to 45! These villains just ooze “Oh I remember him” energy. We are out of the bottom tiers now so you will actually know who these guys are. Some might even surprise you with how low they scored. There is at least one major villain on this list that surprised me. Go ahead and see if you can guess anyone on this list. Let me know in the comments if you got any right or if any surprised you.
Let’s Get Started!
FN’F, MCU: Villains 53rd-45th
In 53rd Place is the giant dragon himself, Dweller in the Darkness. This monster has only appeared in once in the MCU. Turning out to be the main antagonist in Shang-Chi. From his perspective that entire movie was just a prison break. In his defense he did succeed in his goal but then was swiftly stopped once he escaped. Unfortunately, He has the least amount of screen time as anyone else on this list. So it just did not have many chances to improve his score. It goes to show you that it does not matter how strong or ancient you are in Feats N’ Faults. It always comes down to how you use that power and what you were actually able to accomplish. No faults though. So that’s something at least.
In 52nd Place is Klaw. It is no secret that I love Andy Serkis. I think he is just fantastic, and I love seeing him pop up here and there in pop culture. When I first heard he was playing Klaw I was super excited! Klaw is a bit of a bigger deal in comics, and I was assuming he’d have a lot more to do. Unfortunately, he turned out just to be a bit player. Never really having a time to shine he worked in the shadows to smuggle his Vibranium. He still tied with a giant dragon so that is a success, I guess.
In 51st Place we have Will Simpson. Will is from the Jessica Jones show on Netflix. He shows up in a couple seasons and keeps waffling back and forth on weather he wants to be a hero or villain. I ended up putting him in the villain category because of his actions in the third season and because he is a villain in the comics. I wrote all that backstory because there is not much else to say. He takes a drug that increases his adrenaline and strength. Another wanna-be super soldier. I do think it would be cool if he showed up in Captain America 4 or Thunderbolts. Nothing major, maybe the opening action sequence.
Rounding us out in 50th Place we have Abomination. For those of you who missed the Hulk FN’F, go check it out. If you have you know I already like how they developed his character. Shocking I know. However, I think his little compound is cute and his new character is funny. Why can’t a villain get a little redemption? I am all for it! The system actually worked for him!
In 49th Place we have the villain from Luke Cage, Diamondback with 12 FN’F Score. He was able to accomplish a good bit with his time on the show. However, he just could never finish the job. He always stopped to early or did something that made no sense. Thats why he lost 4 score and wasn’t able to climb higher in our rankings.
In 48th Place is Franklin Pierce with 12 FN’F Score. The mastermind behind Captain America: Winter Soldier. He did a lot of damage to Bucky and got the best of Nick Fury. He just never should have underestimated Black Widow. Once he was found out he was quickly thwarted, and we never saw him again. Womp Womp.
In 47th Place we have another Luke Cage villain, Cottonmouth with 13 FN’F Score. He does pretty well but just like his counterpart he can’t finish the job. He had a chance to kill Scarfe who is a detective but instead leaves him alive. He had all the knowledge needed to take Cottonmouth down and he just ran away. Not very smooth. He was right there, just finish the job!
In 46th Place we have Red Skull with 13 FN’F Score. He does pretty well for only being in one film. Destroying a town and capturing Cap are impressive feats. Plus, only one fault. Not too shabby you little red goblin you.
In 45th Place we have the man whose name is impossible to spell without looking up, Kaecilius. Anoth 13 FN’F Score. This is the only one of the list that surprised me. He is very powerful, and I thought he would be able to squeeze out just a little more FN’F Score. Unfortunately, he is tied with the red nazi. Oopsy. It is not about the power you hold. It is what you do with it that matters in Feats N’ Faults.
That will do us for another Feats N’ Faults. Did anyone else on this list surprise you too? Who do you think should have scored higher? Stay tuned to this feed because we have a lot of new players joining our ranking in the next coming weeks. I cannot wait to share their scores with all of you! To stay up to date please subscribe and share with a friend. All the support really helps this feed out.
Until Next Time!