Welcome back to Feats N’ Faults where we use our Tiered Point System to rank and record our favorite characters. If you want a rundown on how points are awarded, please check out the About page. Below is our Tier System for reference.
In today's feed, we will analyze the Thor franchise. Like all these MCU characters, the FN’F score might change over time. As of writing, this feed is 100% up to date with the latest MCU project. If scores ever need adjusting in the future, I will be sure to do so. However, now we are in the present so let’s take a look at Thor, Korg, Jane, Heimdall, Valkyrie, and Loki (Prime). If you are playing along at home, go ahead and rank these guys from least to greatest, and let me know in the comments how you did!
Let’s Get Started!
In Last Place we have our favorite family man, Korg. Korg only scored a 13 FN’F Score, but that is pretty good for a side gag character. We first met him in Thor Ragnarök, and he has since shown up in End Game, Love and Thunder, and a Deadpool commercial. As a soft-talking brawler, Korg proved himself during the final confrontation with Thanos. He was even able to hold his own against Cull Obsidian. I bet we will see more of him in the future. Hopefully, he will be able to improve that score.
In 5th place we have Jane Foster with a 16 FN’F Score. She was a prominent character in the first Thor. However, she disappeared for most of the MCU. Only coming back in the most recent film. This is where she was able to get the majority of her feats. For someone who was worthy she really disappointed in the point department. I am not sure if we will see more of her or not. It is hard to say but until then she is stuck with this mediocre score.
In 4th Place is Valkyrie with 23 FN’F Score. Valkyrie is a strong contender and was kind of a sleeper hit. If you had told me that Valkyrie would be one of my favorite characters currently in the MCU, I would have said, “Who?” She came out of nowhere and even scored a respectable total. I know we will see more of her, and I wouldn’t recommend you underestimate her.
In 3rd Place, we have my boy Heimdall with a 28 FN’F Score! His all-seeing eyes kept him from getting a single Fault! This guy is just pure helpful and iconic. Probably the most influential side character in the entire MCU. Heimdall never got a film or show of his own, and yet he was able to score 28 points! He was never the focus of any of the MCU projects. Yet here he is. What a legend.
In 2nd Place we have Loki (Prime). Just to be clear, this is the Loki from the “Sacred Timeline.” This is not the one from the Loki show. While they both share the same beginnings, they have vastly different ends. This version of Loki was impressive and scored 44 FN’F Score. However, he is nothing compared to his variant. They both have great character growth, but this score is puny compared to the other one. Always bouncing back between hero and Villain, this Loki cements himself as one of the highest-scoring MCU villains we have seen so far.
Surprise Surprise, we have Thor in 1st Place with 150 FN’F Score. He fell a bit short of the heights that his fellow Avengers attained. But he was still able to score very high. His last movie was, unfortunately, a detriment to his score. He received a lot of faults in that film and barely made it to the positives. If he had a better showing he might have been able to close the gap between Iron Man and Cap. Their scores are just too high, and I doubt any MCU characters will be able to compete with them. This god will always be worthy, and I am excited to see him add to his score in the future. Might even dethrone Iron Man someday.
Review: 6.5/10
The Thor movies are a tough one. Looking at him independently and away from the wider MCU is hard. He is such a rollercoaster of quality for me. I think Ragnarök is one of the best MCU movies. Period. But then you have movies like Love and Thunder and Dark World. Neither of them is particularly good and really brings down the average of this series. I think this franchise is a good representation of where the MCU is as a whole right now. Peaks and valleys.
Recommendation: eeeh, watch Thor Ragnarök, Bifrost past the rest
What did you guys think of the Thor Movies? Did any of the scores surprise you? How well do you think the variant Loki will score? Let me know in the comments, and please do not forget to subscribe and tell a friend about the feed!
Until Next Time!