And we are back for another round of Feats N’ Faults! This time we are analyzing the actions of the Third Doctor and his companions! We do not have many to cover this week. We are looking at just three companions and the main man himself. For anyone new please reference my pinned article where I break down how and when characters earn points. For everyone else sticking around here is the rundown for quick reference on how these characters are earning points. All right get out your pads and pens and play along. Who do you think will score the most points? We have The Brigadier, Liz Shaw, and Jo Grant! Ok let’s get to it!
The Third Doctor’s Companions:
On the bottom of our list we have Liz Shaw. Her being at the bottom of the list does not do her justice. She earned a whopping 35 points from a single season of Doctor Who! For reference that beats every companion the 2nd Doctor had by 10 or more points. Liz is an icon and should be remembered as one. She saved the entire planet from being infested by the Nestine and saved it from the Silurian’s. She saved our planet two times and yet no one talks about her. You gotta give her some credit. She knew how to save a planet.
In second place we have the Brigadier. Being in so many episodes really helped this character. He even had a spinoff movie called “Downtime” that was added to his score. A staple in classic Who but unfortunately he passed away before he could make an appearance in current Who. He showed up in an episode of the Sarah Jane adventures but was only able to be given name service in the current era. His Daughter Kate eventually takes over for her father and runs UNIT. We will go over her score once we get to current Who. Do you think she will be able to score higher than her father? Stay tuned to find out.
In first place, to my surprise, is Jo Grant. If you would have told me, when she first appeared, that she would have scored higher than the OG Doctor. I would have told you that you were out of your mind. There is no way that this clumsy ditsy blonde could every save the universe. I would have been wrong. She really came in to her own after a couple adventures with the Doctor. She became a huge asset to him and really pulled her own in many stories. She was even able to save the Universe. She saved the entire universe! This girl from earth in the 70’s saved the universe and the planet. These combined eclipsed the amount of faults she wracked up in the beginning. Offsetting them and becoming one of the highest scoring characters we have done so far. The only characters that have scored higher than her have been the 2nd Doctor and the character coming up next.
With only 3 companions the 3rd Doctor was in great company. His companions Have insanely high scores and makes all the other groups look bad in comparison. The only other companion that can stand his own in this company would be Ian Chesterton from the first Doctor’s era. So how did you do? Were you able to guess Jo as the best companion? Here is our list.
Liz Shaw 35 pts.
The Brigadier 63 pts.
Jo Grant 143 pts.
The Third Doctor: Jon Pertwee
What a Doctor and what an era. The third Doctor is just one of those characters that stick with you. As you watch through you keep thinking about that sharp dressing version of the Doctor. He made his impact on his universe as well. Scoring better then the first and second incarnations of himself The 3rd Doctor starts a trend. Will every Doctor score better then the past? Who’s to say, only I know, stay tuned to find out. But until then Pertwee did amazing. Scoring close to 300 Feat points Pertwee’s version was a galaxy saver! Saving two different galaxy’s on two different occasions helped to boost this Doctor’s score. He did a ton to help earth while he was exiled, but he did his best work when he was finally able to stretch his legs and explore the universe with Jo. The current Champion of FN’F! Let’s see how long his reign lasts.
We will see you next time when we review one of the most iconic eras in Doctor Who. The Tom Baker years. Strap in because he was the longest tenured Doctor and we have a lot of companions and episodes to talk about. Until then don’t forget to subscribe and tell a friend!