Welcome back to Feats N’ Faults where we use our Tiered Point System to rank and record our favorite characters. If you want a rundown on how points are awarded, please check out the About page. Below is our Tier System for reference.
We are back with another Doctor Who tier list. In this feed, we are covering the 11th Doctors era. We have the companions Canton, Amy, Rory, River, Craig, and the 11th Doctor. If you are playing at home, go ahead and list these guys from least to greatest. Let’s get started.
The Companions:
In last place we have a short-lived companion and one of the few Americans you’ll see on this list, Canton Everette the 3rd. Even with only a couple episodes, he was able to score a respectable 20 FN’F Score. Saving the planet from the Silence through the TV was brilliant.
Next, we have a surprising 4th place. I would have thought that Rory would have been in the top 3 for sure! He is such a reliable companion and is always there, but he just does not have any giant feats to boost his score. It is a shame, but that is just how the game is played.
Wow, in 3rd place we have Craig. Never in a million years would I have put him here. I thought he would be below Canton and in last place. But here he is… in 3rd! This flatmate somehow saved the entire solar system! Man, this show is crazy.
Here we go, much better. In 2nd Place we have Amelia Pond. Finally, a placement that feels right. She was the main companion for me majority of the 11th Doctor’s run. She earned the points to prove it. Saving the world and a species along the way. Amy Scored a Respectable 58 pts. The funny thing is, she is tied for 1st place… with her daughter!
Like Mother like daughter. Isn’t that crazy? Both of them scored the exact same FN’F score. River would have been a lot higher, but she earned a Universal Fault. She then fixed the problem, so they canceled each other out. So no harm no foul right? Even with that, she was able to tie for first. But hey, what did you expect from the Doctor’s wife?
The 11th Doctor:
The 11th Doctor did it! We finally have an iteration of the Doctor that can compete with the 4th incarnation. Saving the entire Universe on three different occasions does a lot to help you stand out. This one character has scored more than most fandoms put together. The best part is this Doctor had very few faults for the amount of screen time he had. Solidifying him as one of the best Doctor’s on a technical level. Just superb.
Review: 8/10
The 11th Doctor is a tricky one for me to pin down. I grew up with this guy. He was the first Doctor that I had to wait to watch live. He was my first regeneration and I loved him. I think time and separation from this era have hurt it a tad. When you were there, while it was live, every episode seemed like an event. So many theories and trying to figure out what would happen next. Plus the hype of the 50th anniversary! What a time to be a Doctor Who fan. With all that hype gone and knowing where all the storylines go, have made me look at this era differently. At first, he was my second favorite Doctor. Then he fell down my list a ton. But he always seems to work his way back up. I am always back and forth on this guy but in the end, he is so entertaining. I think he gives the best Doctor speeches. He has some fantastic episodes too. I always forget just how good they are until I go back to rewatch some of my favorites. One of my favorite Doctor Who episodes of all time is in this era. Vincent and the Doctor is absolute perfection. For anyone interested in this era I would recommend:
Vincent and the Doctor
A Town Called Mercy
Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
What did you think of this era? Is the 11th your favorite Doctor? Let’s discuss it in the comments. Do not forget to subscribe and tell a friend about this feed to keep this community growing!
Until Next Time!