Welcome back to Feats N’ Faults where we use our Tiered Point System to rank and record our favorite characters. If you want a rundown on how points are awarded, please check out the About page. Below is our Tier System for reference.
In today’s feed, we are covering Captain America. You should all know the drill by now. Go ahead and rank these characters from least to greatest and see if you can get any right. Let me know in the comments how you did! Our competitors for the day are Agent 13, Captain America, Bucky Barnes, The Falcon, and Peggy Carter.
Let’s Get Started!
FN’F, MCU: Captain America
In Last Place, we have Agent 13. Agent 13, Sharon Carter, Power Broker, or whatever you want to call her, is at the bottom of our list. She is capable enough but was never the focus of anything. The closest thing she got to being the star was in the Falcon and Winter Soldier TV show. With that screen time, she was able to boost her score a little more. Still, her score does not match any of our other characters in this feed.
Surprise, Surprise, we have a tie for 3rd. In 4th and 3rd Places, we have The Falcon and Peggy Carter. I was properly surprised by this tie. For starters, a tie is rare on Feats N’ Faults once you get above the 20s. Also, these two characters have never met, and you would think that the Falcon would be Cap’s second place, just like War Machine was for Tony. However, don’t forget that Peggy had her own TV show that lasted two seasons. During this time, she built up a good number of fault points. Even so, she was able to work her way up and tie with a man who has been in 5 movies and a show. Not too shabby, Peggy, not too shabby at all.
The Falcon still performed well. Scoring a 52 is no small task. Plus, he has his own movie coming up next year. We will have to stop in and update his score when that happens. I have a feeling he won’t be tied for third after that.
In 2nd Place, we have Bucky Barnes. I was shocked by him being in the second-place spot. I was really expecting to give it to Sam. But with that tie, my bracket is already messed up, so who really cares at this point? As I was adding up his points, I realized that it was really a close race. He just took out a couple more bad guys. All three of these characters are remarkably close and more than deserving of Cap’s sidekick spot. They all better enjoy where they are because none even come close to Cap’s score.
In 1st Place, we have Captain America. He was so close to beating Iron Man, but he just couldn’t do it. Still, with a 253 FN’F Score, we are going to see Cap for a long time. He is in our top 10 scorers, for sure. Cap can do this all day! He is constantly putting others’ needs before his own. He sacrificed himself to save NYC. When all seemed lost, he was still willing to stand up and fight an entire army. You cannot keep this man down! Even the gods recognized his worthiness. The moment Cap picks up Mjolnir was one of the coolest movie experiences of my life. Even with all that screen time, he only scored a -8 Faults Score. I am so proud of my boy. Enjoy your retirement, buddy; you deserve it.
Review: 8.5/10
I love the Captain America movies. It really is a great trilogy. It is almost the opposite of what we see in Iron Man. With Cap, the first movie is all right. It happened. It was not offensive. It was just ok. But then it just rapidly improved. Winter Soldier is one of my favorite MCU movies. It really is a solid film, even on its own. Then Civil War brings everyone else in and introduces Spiderman. What a franchise. I love the action and drama that these movies bring. It makes our heroes question what they are doing, and I like that kind of personal struggle and conflict. If everyone is sitting in a room arguing their points, I am a happy guy. 8.5/10, great movies.
How did you guys do with your tier list? Were you able to rank them correctly? If so, congrats! It was a hard one this week. Let me know how you did in the comments and what IPs you’d like to see on Feats N’ Faults. Do not forget to Subscribe to stay updated on everything FN’F. Plus, tell a friend. Let’s grow this community! I have a special FN’F coming out once we hit 100 subs. So, let’s see how fast we can get there!
Until Next Time!